1. 100% disk usage in windows 10
This performance issue is most obvious when attempting to use Search (Windows key + Q) to find a file or program.
- Disable Windows Search for Improved Disk Performance:

To stop this, and prevent it from happening during your current session (until Windows is rebooted) open the Command Prompt (the quickest way is by right-clicking the Start button and selecting Command Prompt (Admin)) and enter the following:
net.exe stop “Windows search”
- To permanently disable Windows Search or Indexing, press Windows + R, enter services.exe, and hit Enter. In the Services window that opens find the Windows Search entry and double-click it to open the Windows Search Properties window. Under Startup type, select Disabled. Here you can click Stop to abort the service. Click OK to save your changes.

- Disable Superfetch Service : Superfetch service has been identified as a potential cause of these disk performance issues in Windows 8.x and Windows 10. To deal with this, open another Command Prompt (or if you’ve still got the earlier box open, use that) and enter:

net.exe stop superfetch
Again, wait a few moments to check whether this has had any effect on your computer’s performance. You should also run Check Disk in a Command Prompt:
chkdsk.exe /f /r
You’ll be informed that your PC must be rebooted for Check Disk to complete, so make sure you have closed all of your applications first.
2. Right click is very slow.
- Type the phrase regedit on search field.

- Click Yes when Admin Prompt is evoked on the screen.
- In RegistryEditor, follow this path:
HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT => Directory => Background => shellex => ContextMenuHandlers => NvCpIDesktopContext

- All you need to do is to remove NvCpIDesktopContext. Right click on NvCpIDesktopContext and select Delete. If you are eager to know what it does then the answer is this key shows NVIDIA option on the context menu of the right click on your desktop.

- This will remove this entry from the context menu.
- Now, do the same thing for the Intel Graphics Card, Groove synchronization etc. Make it similar to the below.

- When you see the caution message, click Yes button.

- Get back to your desktop. Right-click and the commands will be flashed up within the blink of an eye.

3. Disable Startup Programs
Right-click the taskbar
and select “Task Manager” or press Ctrl+Shift+Escape to launch it. Click
over to the Startup tab and disable startup applications you don’t
need. Windows will helpfully tell you which applications slow down your
startup process the most.

4. Disable Unwanted Background Apps
From the Privacy menu again, scroll down to the bottom of the menu on the left side of the page, then select the "Background apps" option. From here, simply use the toggle switches to prevent these apps from running on startup and staying open in the background.
5. Fix the Slow Search on Windows 10 in 5 Steps
Step 1Press Windows key + X, and a menu will open up. Click on Control Panel.

Step 2
In the Control Panel, click on Indexing Options.
Step 3
Click on Modify, and deselect all the drives that you don’t need. You should keep the ones that have programs / apps / files you search for. (The default is C:). When you’re done, click OK.

Step 4
In the Indexing Options window, click on Advanced. If you see a pop-up box (User Account Control), click Yes.
Step 5
In the Advanced Options window, click on Rebuild, and OK.
It’ll take some time to re-index everything, but searching for Apps, and other files should be much faster now.
6. If you’re noticing Windows 10 running very slow, try changing the Initial Size and Maximum Size to the Recommended File Size for both.
– Open up Control panel– Type in “Performance” into the search field
– Click “Adjust the appearence and performance of windows”
(or Right-Click on My PC and select Properties)
– Open Advanced tab and click “change” button

– First uncheck “automatically manage paging file size for all drives”
– Then highlight drive your system is installed on
– Select “Custom size” (as shown on picture)
– Set Initial Size and Max Size to the value recommended by windows
– Click “Set” and OK
– Finally Restart your PC and you`re done
7. Turn off Windows Updates in Windows 10
You can do this using the Windows Update service. Via Control Panel > Administrative Tools, you can access Services. In the Services window, scroll down to Windows Update and turn off the process. To turn it off, right-click on the process, click on Properties and select Disabled. That will take care of Windows Updates not being installed on your machine.
8. Remove unnecessary Third party services:
Open the run command and type msconfig in the Run Window and Press enter. This will bring the system configuration tab. Select the services tab and you will see the list of services running, just check the box below to hide all Microsoft services. Now here you will see all the third party services which are running. Now you will be able to disable unwanted services and this will make Windows faster.
9. Manage Power Plans:
There are different power plans available in Windows, to manage them open Control panel and navigate to Hardware and Sound-> Power Options. Here you can select the high performance power plan. It might use up more battery, but it is optimized for better performance.
10. Reduce the boot delay timeout value
The boot delay timeout value is set to 30 seconds by default. Reducing
the value to 10 seconds still leaves enough time to get into Safe Mode
if needed, or you can use msconfig to force Safe Mode on the next

If you implement all these techniques you should notice a much faster Windows 10 system. Even a few of the recommendations will earn you a more responsive and enjoyable computing experience.
Suggestions, Comments and Doubts are most welcomed ;)
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