Control mouse pointer using eye

Hey , wont it be cool if you could control your mouse using your eyes  rather than your  hands !
If you dont have any idea of what  i am talking then check  out this Software's :

Enable Viacam (eViacam) is a mouse replacement software that moves the pointer as you move your head.
It works on standard PC equipped with a webcam. No additional hardware is required.
It's completely free, open source and easy to use!

Pcbility   ( shareware )

PCBility Mouse enables you to easily control your computer's mouse cursor, without using your hands.
Move your face and the mouse cursor will follow.
This hands free mouse software will add further accessibility to your PC.
PCBility Mouse uses a web camera to track the user's head movements
, translating those movements into cursor movements on the computer screen.
This software can be used for a number of purposes, however was developed with physically disabled people in mind

Camera Mouse

Camera Mouse is a program that allows you to control the mouse pointer on a Windows computer just by moving your head. Clicking can be done by making the mouse pointer dwell over a spot on the screen.
Camera Mouse works as a mouse replacement system for Windows computers so it should work with just about any application program. For example people use Camera Mouse with entertainment programs, education programs, communication programs, web browsers, and so on.Camera Mouse works best with application programs that require only a mouse and a left click and that do not have tiny targets. It's easier to use Camera Mouse with application programs that do not require extreme accuracy.

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